MATLAB: Does MATLAB crash when I launch Simulink 7.1 (R2008a)


When I try invoking the Simulink Library Browser by clicking on the icon or by typing 'simulink' on MATLAB command prompt, MATLAB crashes with the following trace.
Segmentation violation detected at Thu Dec 18 15:47:31 2008
MATLAB Version: (R2008a)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP
Window System: Version 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
Processor ID: x86 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine: Java 1.6.0 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM mixed mode
Default Encoding: windows-1252
Fault Count: 1
Register State:
EAX = ffffffff EBX = 6c0c08b0
ECX = 002308a8 EDX = 008f0001
ESI = 1d0497c8 EDI = 002308a0
EBP = 00d3d72c ESP = 00d3d720
EIP = 6c09c553 FLG = 00010286
Stack Trace:
[0] glee_util.dll:public: bool __thiscall GLEE::AtomicCounter::deref(void)(0x00d3d744, 0x1d1e3bb0, 0x1d0497b8, 0x00d3d84c) + 3 bytes
[1] glee.dll:public: void __thiscall GLEE::GHash<unsigned int,class GLSM11::Node *>::clear(void)(0x1cefe8d8, 0x1d0497b8, 0x1cfed1dc, 0x1d1e3bb0) + 69 bytes
[2] glee.dll:private: void __thiscall GLSM11::Serializer::internalLoadFromByteArray(class GLSM11::Model *,class QByteArray const &,class GLEE::ErrorHolder &)(0x1cefe8d8, 0x00d3d848, 0x00d3d84c, 0x1cefe8d8) + 81 bytes
[3] glee.dll:public: void __thiscall GLSM11::Serializer::loadFromByteArray(class GLSM11::Model *,class QByteArray const &,class GLEE::ErrorHolder &)(0x1cefe8d8, 0x00d3d848, 0x00d3d84c, 0x1cfed3d8) + 26 bytes
[4] sl_lib_browse.dll:public: class GLEE::Holder<class LibraryBrowser::Model> __thiscall

Best Answer

This crash dump may occur due to inconsistencies in the Preferences directory. In order to resolve this issue, delete the MATLAB Preferences directory so that it automatically regenerated. This can be done as follows:
1. Locate the Preferences directory, this can be found by executing the following command at the MATLAB prompt:
2. Create a backup of the directory and close MATLAB.
3. Delete the directory.
4. Restart MATLAB.