MATLAB: Does MATLAB coder R2018b support SVM algorithms for code generation on to an ARM target that has the ARM Compute library installed on it

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Does MATLAB coder (R2018b) support SVM algorithms for code generation on to an ARM target that has the ARM Compute library installed on it?

Best Answer

MATLAB Coder generates ANSI/ISO C and C++ code that can be compiled and executed on any processor by manually integrating the generated code with the RTOS and build tools for your processor
Matlab Coder in R2018b supports both regression and classification algorithms for code generation. The following documentation page details the different Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox functions that are supported for code generation using MATLAB Coder:
To build and run generated C++ code for Deep Learning on an ARM hardware target, you must have the ARM Compute Library installed on the ARM target. For the MATLAB Coder R2018b release, use ARM Compute version 18.03. Additional details on how to build the ARM Compute library on an ARM target and how to set up environment variables on your ARM target to point to the ARM Compute Library can be found on the following MATLAB answers page: