MATLAB: Does MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1) hang and then crash when I attempt to use the PRINT function in MATLAB to export a figure generated by a GUI on Mac OS X 10.3


I generate a GUI using GUIDE in MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1). This GUI generates a plot. When I use PRINT in a function callback from the GUI to export the plot to an EPS2-file, MATLAB hangs and I receive the following segmentation violation if I force it to quit using Control-C:
Segmentation violation detected at Fri Mar 4 14:00:24 2005
Stack Trace:
Stack Trace:
[0] libmwudd.dylib:Hashtable::get(void const*, void const*) + 44 bytes
[1] libmwudd.dylib:UDListenerManagerHost::notifyEvent(UDDatabaseClient*, UDEventSource const*, UDEventInfo const*, UDEvent*) + 68 bytes
[2] libmwudd.dylib:UDInterface::notifyPropEvent(UDDatabaseClient*, UDPropInfo const*, UDEventInfo const*, UDEvent*) + 100 bytes
[3] libmwhg.dylib:set_axis_tick_data(GObject_tag*, AxisType, NReals*) + 332 bytes
[4] libmwhg.dylib:compute_axis_ticks(ARD*) + 468 bytes
[5] libmwhg.dylib:CalculateAxisRenderData + 920 bytes
[6] libmwudd.dylib:udiToEachSiblingObjectBackward + 124 bytes
[7] libmwhg.dylib:transform_figure + 92 bytes
[8] libmwhg.dylib:PaintersRenderEngine::draw(GObject_tag*) + 44 bytes
[9] libmwhg.dylib:figure_expose_fcn + 256 bytes
[10] libmwgui.dylib:wm_ExposeFcn(WinRec_tag*) + 84 bytes
[11] libmwhardcopy.dylib:ps_win2ps + 708 bytes
[12] libmwhardcopy.dylib:hcPostscript + 760 bytes
[13] libmwhardcopy.dylib:hcHardcopy(int, mxArray_tag**, int, mxArray_tag**) + 2676 bytes
[14] libmwm_dispatcher.dylib:Mfh_builtin<mxArray_tag>::dispatch_mf(int, mxArray_tag**, int, mxArray_tag**) + 40 bytes
[15] libmwm_dispatcher.dylib:Mfh_MATLAB_fn::dispatch_fh(int, mxArray_tag**, int, mxArray_tag**) + 288 bytes
[16] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inDispatchFromStack + 1612 bytes
[17] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inDispatchCall(char const*, int, int, int, int*, int*) + 196 bytes

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a bug in MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1) on Mac OS 10.3 (Panther).
A workaround is to save the plot from the menu bar by clicking on "File->Save As", and then selecting the EPS-file option from the "Save As" dropdown menu.