MATLAB: Does matlab 2015 support svm multiclass?

svm matlab2015

I use matlab 2013b for programmation but this version does not support svm multiclass. my question there is another version that support svm for multi classification?

Best Answer

Not directly. There is ClassificationECOC
"ClassificationECOC is an error-correcting output codes (ECOC) classifier for multiclass learning by reduction to multiple, binary classifiers such as support vector machines (SVMs). Train a ClassificationECOC classifier using fitcecoc and the training data."
Real multiclass SVM is really slow and needs a lot of memory, and is considered "feasible" (under a loose sense of the word) for at most 3 classes, and "possible if you are willing to wait several days" for 4 classes, but a matter for supercomputer clusters for 5 or more classes.