MATLAB: Does lmstat report only one license available for the MATLAB Parallel Server license

MATLAB Parallel Server

When I run the command lmstat to check how many licenses are available for MATLAB Parallel Server product, I only see 1 license.

Best Answer

As of R2019a, the lmstat output will only show one seat of the MATLAB Parallel Server product.  
To obtain MATLAB Parallel Server usage information, such as how many keys are issued and how many keys are available, please use the ParallelServerLicenseCheck executable located in the MATLAB License Manager installation folder (as of R2020a):
You may run the ParallelServerLicenseCheck executable in the Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Linux and MacOS).
To display the summary information, including total keys issued and total keys in use, you may use the following syntax:
ParallelServerLicenseCheck -c <license server port@HostName>
For example, on Windows:
cd "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2020b\etc\win64\"
ParallelServerLicenseCheck.exe -c 27000@MLServer
Additional Options: 
        -c <license server> : The license server to query.  This can be specified as port@host, @host, or a license file. 
        -type summary [default] : Displays summary information including total keys issued and total keys in use. 
        -type user: Displays information for the user specified by the -user option. 
        -user <username> : The specific username to report on.  For use with '-type user'. 
        -h | -help : Prints this help text.