MATLAB: Does is take so long to add elements to an mwArray

MATLAB C/C++ Math Librarypreallocation

The following code will illustrate this behavior:
#include "matlab.hpp"
#include <stdlib.h> /* used for EXIT_SUCCESS */
#ifdef GCC
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
int main(void)
mwArray a, b, c, x, y, z;
// x = rand(4,4);
//y = magic(7);
//z = eig(x);
for( int i=1; i<30000;i++)
//if (i%10000==0) cout<<i<<endl;
// Save (and name) the variables
save("ex5.mat", "x", x, "y", y, "z", z);
// Load the named variables
load("ex5.mat", "x", &a, "y", &b, "z", &c);
// Check to be sure the variables are equal
if (tobool(a == x) && tobool(b == y) && tobool(c == z))
cout << "Success: all variables equal" << endl;
cout << "Failure: loaded values not equal to saved values" << endl;
catch (mwException &ex)
cout << ex;
Testing this example for different values of i yielded the following results. For 300 elements the execution time was .32 seconds; for 3,000 elements it was 2.173 seconds; and for 30,000 elements it was 388 seconds. The execution time seems to be growing exponentially.

Best Answer

The problem is that when you use indexing to expand an array, the library has to reallocate the array before adding the new element. This reallocation takes more time as the array gets larger.
The solution is to preallocate the array before assigning into it. In the previous example, if you add the lines
x = zeros(30000);
y = zeros(30000);
z = zeros(30000);
before the loop, you should see much better performance.
This also applies to vector augmenting in MATLAB; it is not specific to the C/C++ Math Library.