MATLAB: Does IMAQHWINFO not return the driver for Data Translation frame grabber even though I have installed it using the Data Translation Omni CD

31203132acquisitiondatadriverimageImage Acquisition Toolboximaqimaqhwinfotoolboxtranslation

I am using Data Translation's PCI 3132 frame grabber card with the Omni CD version 2.5. I have installed the drivers for the card from Omni CD. However, I still do not see the driver for Data Translation in the output of the IMAQHWINFO command.

Best Answer

In order for MATLAB to see the drivers for Data Translation, you also need to install the Software Development Kit (SDK), provided along with the drivers during installation. After installing the drivers from Omni CD, you will see the following message:
You must also install the updated DT-Acquire and Frame Grabber SDK included on this CD
This SDK installs some of the run-time libraries (dll's) which are necessary for the drivers to work and be recognized by MATLAB.