MATLAB: Does HILTUTORIAL stop and time out

codecomposerEmbedded IDE Link CCforlinkMATLABstudio

The HILTUTORIAL stops and times out.

Best Answer

If the HILTUTORIAL stops or times out and all of the following are true:
a. You are using a C54x simulator.
b. The demo stopped at the following code:
run(cc,'main') % Ensured embedded C variables are initialized
c. The following message appears in the CCS standard output window:
Breakpoint Manager: Unable to move breakpoint to a valid line at source line: ccstut.c line 64 It has been disabled.
d. You just ran CCSTUTORIAL before this demo
If all (a through d) of these conditions are true, then you have left a breakpoint in the program. Go to the Code Composer Studio and remove all breakpoints (click on the "hand with x-mark " icon) and re-run the demo.