MATLAB: Does hex2num(‘F’) equal -3.1050e+231

bit orderendianhex2numhexadecimalMATLAB

According to the documentation, "Fewer than 16 characters are padded on the right with zeros" so it must be an endian thing.
Bet that causes a lot of bugs. What function gets the expected result of F = 15?

Best Answer

Try hex2dec instead:
>> hex2dec('F')
ans = 15
"What function gets the expected result of F = 15?"
You can easily find these functions yourself: clicking up one level from hex2num in the contents takes you to this page, where all such conversion functions are listed:
"Why does hex2num('F') equal -3.1050e+231? it must be an endian thing."
Nope. As the documentation states, it is because the input is considered to be an IEEE formated number: