MATLAB: Does HARDCOPY return the handle of the figure instead of the image in MATLAB 6.5 (R13)


Why does HARDCOPY return the handle of my figure instead of the image in MATLAB 6.5 (R13)?
If I try the following commands on my figure, 'sample.fig':
fred = hardcopy(1,'-dzbuffer','-r96');
HARDCOPY returns 'fred=1', rather than the image. This subsequently causes ADDFRAME to generate an error message, as the size of 'fred' doesn't match the size of other frames in my AVI object.
However, HARDCOPY returns the complete image with a figure generated by the following command:

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This issue has been forwarded to our developemnt staff for further investigation.
There are currently no known workarounds.