MATLAB: Does gradient function calculates wrong dimensions


Hi there,
Why does the gradient function calculates the first two dimensions wrong?
[mshx,mshy,mshz] = ndgrid(0:.1:10,0:.1:10,0:.1:10);
[gxx,gyx,gzx] = gradient(mshx);
[gxy,gyy,gzy] = gradient(mshy);
[gxz,gyz,gzz] = gradient(mshz);
Here all gij are zero except for gyx, gxy, gzz. But how can I calculate the gradient more consistently so that all gij are zero except for gxx, gyy, gzz?
Thank you for your help.
Best regards

Best Answer

Use meshgrid instead of ndgrid
[mshx,mshy,mshz] = meshgrid(0:.1:10,0:.1:10,0:.1:10);
[gxx,gyx,gzx] = gradient(mshx);
[gxy,gyy,gzy] = gradient(mshy);
[gxz,gyz,gzz] = gradient(mshz);