MATLAB: Does GPU coder have only one output

GPU Coderparallel computing

I'm changing a function into mex file with GPU coder, and I have a problem while I using the GPU coder.
I want to get two matrices; D, N as the output of fcn_DH.
When I executed GPU coder with a code below, Running test file with MEX is not terminated, thus I cannot make MEX file.
However, When I changed the first line of the function into 'D = fcn_PRM(node,PosMap)', which has only one output, the GPU coder worked fine.
I'm wondering if I can apply the GPU coder to a function and only get one variable as a result.
Otherwise, if GPU coder can multiple outputs, I want to know which part of my code is wrong.
function [D,N] = fcn_PRM(node,PosMap)
n = length(node);
D = coder.nullcopy(zeros(n,n,2));
N = coder.nullcopy(zeros(n,n));
for i=1:n-1
for j=i+1:n
B = collisionCheck_SP5(PosMap(node(i),:), PosMap(node(j),:));
D(i,j,1) = dist;
N(i,j) = B;

Best Answer

Hello Lim,
After analyzing the code, It is clear that you are not able to generate ‘MEX’ because the ‘%#codegendirective is missing in the function definition at beginning. To generate the ‘MEX’ please add the ‘%#codegen’ directive as shown below at the starting of the Entry-Point function:
function [D,N] = fcn_PRM(node_PRM,PosMap) %#codegen

Also, make sure that the same function is getting called in the ‘Define Input Type’ stage.
Kind Regards