MATLAB: Does force/torque get transfered throughtout an assembly consisting of solid blocks assembled with rigid transforms and connected with joints and gear constraints

SimscapeSimscape Multibodysimulink

Hi. Im making a swing door assembly. I import the components as cad file from autodesk inventor and assemble them using rigid transforms in simulink/simscape environment. I add joints and gear constraints to necessary components to ensure that they move correctly relative with each other. I input a force to the door knob, located at a specific distance from the axis of rotation of the door (hinge). Does the torque produced by this force get transfered to the gears and shafts and all throughtout the assembly? What should i do to make it so? I am able to simulate the assembly if a set the torque actuation of all the revolute joints to "none". The block diagram of my assembly is attached below. I will greatly appreciate any help. Thanks!

Best Answer

Simscape models are just link physical system. You apply force/torque at a particular point. The system with reponse to the force/torque based on the constraints, just like the physical system. The force/torque get transmitted through each joints. The actuation force/torque at a joint is the EXTERNALLY applied torque, not the INTERNAL force/torque.
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