MATLAB: Does fmincon automatically normalis/scale the input vector according to the bounds

fminconOptimization Toolbox

I'm doing a constrained optimisation using fmincon (interior-point solver). My initial vector elements range from 1E-3 to about 40 and I've set flat upper and lower bounds of 0 to 10.
However, I discovered that despite my initial guess being feasible, the first call to my cost function returns INF. I dug down and I saw that on the first run, fmincon was passing in some scaled version of my initial guess. I checked this by changing the bounds, which subsequently changed the initial vector.
I'm guessing there's an option to scale the input vector. How can I turn this option off?

Best Answer

opts = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','interior-point','ScaleProblem','none');