MATLAB: Does Embedded IDE Link 4.2 (R2010b) support Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 4.0

4.05.0ccsccs4Embedded IDE Linkti

I would like target my algorithm onto Texas Instruments processors using TI's CCS 4.0. I would also like to run model and code verification techniques such as processor-in-the-loop (PIL) testing.

Best Answer

In R2010b, Embedded IDE Link supports Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio 4.0 (CCS 4.0) through the use of XMakefile utility. When you generate source code from a model, the XMakefile utility generates a corresponding makefile which you can use with CCS 4.0 to build the embedded software. You can use TI’s DSS scripting with CCS 4.0 to load and run the embedded software on supported TI processors. The documentation provides examples for each of these steps. Model and code verification techniques supported for CCS 4.0 include TCP/IP-based processor-in-the-loop (PIL).
Automation of the IDE tasks, debugging, and project generation (as supported with CCS 3.3) are not available for CCS 4.0.
You can find a detailed example at the following link: