MATLAB: Does axes() not return an Object but a graphics handle

graphicsgraphics objecthandle graphics

Hi, guys.
The graphics system in MATLAB puzzles me, here take axes for example.
What's the class name of axes object? Can users subclass it?
Why does axes() not return an axes object, but a handle?
Graphics handle is some like index/pointer/reference of a graphics object. For C Language, one can allocate a block of memory in a function and return the pointer. But I have not find that Matlab Language can implement such thing. If true, how does axes() allocate the memory for axes object and return a handle? I think the axes object should have disappeared when returned from axes
I think it is the function of MATLAB Software, not of the Matlab Language that makes axes object alive after returned from axes().
Any idea?

Best Answer

Maybe I put my words differently: the handle graphic objects are not true MATLAB objects in the sense that you have some class file with methods etc. They are somewhat built into MATLAB itself. You can see some of it (try the following:
h = plot([1 3 2]);
hh = handle(h)
But looking at methods or properties will still not be the same as for "usual" objects.
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