MATLAB: Does anyone have/can guide me to a Matlab code that deals with all functions that are necessary for Metallography

image processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentationlaboratory apparatuslaboratory softwaremetallographymicroscope analyzesurface analyze

Hello, I'm a student in Ben-Gurion university,Israel. My partner and I get a project based on Matlab, that serves the process made right after capture a microscope image.
As a Material engineer we face that the analyze part set as a "pump time", so the idea of our project is to create a Image processing tool specialized for metallography. Thus, it would be able to measure size of grains,area of phases, thickness of layers, voids, marks over image and create a summary report for all data. it will apply according-"built in" functions and will save time and money.
we are looking for some Matlab code that already does all of the above, if exist.
Best regards, Yarden

Best Answer

See my File Exchange for some image processing demos, especially the IMage Segmentation Tutorial Inspection -- Solder Joints, Welding, Pipes Inspection -- Metal Inspection, Castings, Machining Inspection -- Metal, Coins
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