MATLAB: Does a silent installation for a support package fail with “Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Cache Parameters: Empty installation folder” in the log file

Why does a silent installation for a support package fail with no error?

Best Answer

This issue can be caused by the installer having a issue with finding the installation path
Use the following flag in the silent installation syntax: 
-installFolder C:\ProgramData\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2018b
For example: \n
cd C:\MATLAB\R2018b\bin\win64
SupportSoftwareInstaller.exe -downloadfolder C:\Users\jsmith\Downloads\MathWorks\SupportPackages\R2018b -inputfile C:\Users\jsmith\Downloads\MathWorks\SupportPackages\R2018b\ssi_input.txt -installFolder C:\ProgramData\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2018b
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