MATLAB: Does a model containing a Buffer block in an enabled subsystem with Signal Processing Blockset 6.3 (R2006a) produce different results after upgrading to Signal Processing Blockset 6.4 (R2006b)

Signal Processing Toolbox

I have a model that contains a Buffer block from Signal Processing Blockset in an enabled subsystem. After I upgraded to Signal Processing Blockset 6.4 (R2006b) from Signal Processing Blockset 6.3 (R2006a), the model produces completely different results.

Best Answer

This is due to a change in the behavior of the Buffer block in enabled subsystems from R2006a to R2006b. Specifically, buffer overflow and under-run protection capability was added to the block in Signal Processing Blockset 6.4 (R2006b). More information about how the Buffer block behaves in an enabled subsystem is available in the documention for the block.
To workaround this issue, inspect your model and rearrange, remove, or add Delay blocks as necessary to recover the expected outcome.