MATLAB: Does a block mask in the model have ‘???’ on it and why do I get an error when I simulate the model containing such a block in Simulink


When I drag a block into a model, the block mask has '???' on it and when I try to simulate the model I receive an error. For example, in the case of the "Analog Filter Design" block from the Signal Processing Toolbox, I receive the following error:
Error in 'mymodel/Analog Filter Design': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated. MATLAB error message: Error using ==> feval
Undefined command/function 'butter'.

Best Answer

This problem occurs if your installation of MATLAB/Toolboxes is missing any files. In the example case described above, the Filter Design Toolbox installation is missing some files. In particular, it is missing the "butter.m" file.
To work around this issue, uninstall and re-install the toolbox that is missing the files.