MATLAB: Do the results of a Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel differ when modeled as the addition of two single path channels than when modeled as a two-path channel using the Communications Blockset

2channelcommunications blocksetCommunications Toolboxmulipathrayleighsingle

I have modeled a two path multi-channel enviroment by using only one "Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel" block and have set 2-elements vectors as the "Gain vector (dB)" and "Delay vector (s)" parameters.
In another case, I use two "Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel" blocks and set individual single-element "Gain vector (dB)" and "Delay vector (s)" parameters. I then add the two signals using a "Sum" block.
I thought the two results would be same. But they are different.

Best Answer

The reason the two outputs in your model "samp_rayleigh1.mdl" differ is because, the
Rayleigh source of the Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel block is obtained from a
Filtered Gaussian source object. The Filtered Gaussian source object is created by
using a random normal vector with two states per channel, one for the Real and one
for Complex data, since the narrowband Gaussian signal has an envelope of Rayleigh
You may access this code in by looking at the M-file
where $MATLAB is the MATLAB root directory as obtained by typint the following at
the MATLAB command prompt
This file sets the state of a filtered Gaussian source object to a random vector. i.e.,
storing last two outputs for each channel.
The filtered Gaussian source object obtained is used in the Interpolating filter. This can also be seen by executing the following code at the MATLAB command prompt. Note how the pathgains are different when a 2 channel Rayleigh object is created and are the same for a single-channel Rayleigh object.
format compact;
Ts = 1e-6;
fd = 40;
tau1 = 0;
tau2 = 1e-6;
tau12 = [0 1e-6];
pdb1 = 0;
pdb2 = -3;
pdb12 = [0 -3];
s = rng;
h1 = rayleighchan(Ts,fd,tau1,pdb1);
h2 = rayleighchan(Ts,fd,tau2,pdb2);
h12 = rayleighchan(Ts,fd,tau12,pdb12);
Note how the pathgains are different when a 2 channel Rayleigh object is created and are the same for a single-channel Rayleigh object.