MATLAB: Do the radio buttons in the GUI look and function differently under UNIX than they do on PCs


I have a GUI which I want to work in both UNIX and on a PC. When I open the GUI on UNIX, the radio button has one look. When I open that same GUI on my PC, the radio button looks different than the way it looked on UNIX.
Additionally, when I click on a radio button in UNIX, I cannot change its state by clicking on it again until I have clicked on a different radio button first.

Best Answer

MATLAB does not have a standard definition of what a 'radio button' should look like. Instead, it uses the operating system's definition of a radio button when it sets up the GUI. The definitions are different for UNIX and a PC, so there is no way to make the GUIs look and function identically.
On a UNIX computer, a radio button can be "turned on" with a single mouse click, but cannot be "turned off" by clicking a second time. However, a possible workaround is to use the space bar after the first mouse click to toggle the state of the radio button.
Ideally, the functionality of radio buttons is generally intended to have mutually exclusive multiple buttons. For example, if two radio buttons can be selected as alternative available options, one and only one will always be "on" or "selected."
If the ability to turn all of them off is needed, it may be preferable to use a checkbox instead.
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