MATLAB: Do the parfor loops run in parallel in matlab interactive mode, but in serial mode when I deployed, using Matlab compiler

MATLAB Compilerparallel computingParallel Computing Toolbox

I have multiple programs that contain parfor loops. These parfor loops successfully execute the relevants sections in parallel when I run in interactive Matolab.
However when I deploy these programs using Matlab compiler, they only run in serial. It seems the Matlab compiler is not honouring my setting "Automatically create a parallel pool (if one doesn't exist) when parallel keywords are executed", which I have enabled in my Matlab settings. (I am compiling using the same settings, so these settings should be baked into the deployed app).

Best Answer

Note, after 1 day messing around, I was able to work around this by explicitly calling parpool() just before my parfor. This should not be necessary because of the "Automatically create a parallel pool" settings.
Note, I am running Matlab 2016b. I have not verified this incorrect behaviour on a more recent version of Matlab.