MATLAB: Do the demos not work on the C6701 EVM board with Link for Code Composer Studio 1.3.1 (R14)

c6701ccsdemodemosEmbedded IDE Link CCevmlink

I am trying to run the demos for Link for Code Composer Studio and they are not working.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
We have verified that there is a bug in Link for Code Composer Studio 1.3.1 (R14) in the way that the demos run on the C6701 EVM. The link product demos do not run on the C6701 EVM because certain files in the project file are not correct.
To workaround this issue, follow the steps below to build the project correctly for the C6701 EVM:
1. Open the CCS project used for the demo.
2. Check the output filename and make sure it matches the demo output filename. You do this by going to Project->Build Options... Go to Linker, select Category 'Basic', and check the entry under "Output Filename (-o):". Refer to the list below for the correct filenames for the project file (.pjt) and .out file for each demo.
3. Remove the existing .cmd file from the project and replace with the correct .cmd file. For rtdxtutorial and rtdxlmsdemo, replace the .cmd file in the project with $TIDIR\examples\evm6201\rtdx\shared\c6201EVM.cmd, where TIDIR is the CCS installation directory.
For other demos, replace the existing .cmd file in the project with $TIDIR\examples\evm6201\shared\c6201EVM.cmd, where TIDIR is the CCS installation directory.
4. Build the project.
Important: Make sure you rebuild the output file using the old settings and files to run the demo on other boards or simulators.
5. Rerun the demo from MATLAB.
Below is a list of demos and their corresponding CCS demo files. Note that $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT is $MATLAB\toolbox\ccslink\ccsdemos, where $MATLAB is the MATLAB installation directory.
- Project name: $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT\ccstutorial\ccstut_67x.pjt
- Output filename: $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT\ccstutorial\ccstut_67x.out
- Project name: $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT\hiltutorial\hiltut_67x.pjt
- Output filename: $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT\hiltutorial\hiltut_67x.out
- Project name: $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT\ccsfir\ccsfir_67x.pjt
- Output filename: $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT\ccsfir\a67x.out
- Project name: $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT\rtdxtutorial\c6x\rtdxtutorial_67x.pjt
- Output filename: $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT\rtdxtutorial\c6x\rtdxtutorial_67x.out
- Project name: $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT\rtdxdemo\c6x\rtdxdemo_67x.pjt
- Output filename: $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT\rtdxdemo\c6x\rtdxdemo_67x.out
- Project name: $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT\debug\FilterFFT_c6700\FilterFFT.pjt
- Output filename: $CCS_DEMOS_ROOT\debug\FilterFFT_c6700\FilterFFT.out