MATLAB: Do some of the commands in Symbolic Math Toolbox 3.2.1 (R2007a) Student Version not work when Maple Toolbox is installed


When Maple Toolbox is installed for MATLAB, few commands from Symbolic Math Toolbox will not work and give errors like:
ERROR: "Invalid MEX-file
ERROR: Specified module could not be found
If the following code is executed in presence of Maple Toolbox with MATLAB:
syms x y
then the following error shows up:
ERROR: ??? Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007a Student\toolbox\symbolic\maplemex.mexw32': The specified module could not be found.
Error in ==> maple at 113
[result, status] = maplemex(statement);
Error in ==> sym.maple at 85
[result, status] = maple(statement);
Error in ==> sym.mpower at 17
B=maple(A, '^', p);
Error in ==>
When I uninstall Maple Toolbox for MATLAB, Symbolic Math Toolbox works fine.

Best Answer

The installation of Maple Toolbox for MATLAB moves some of the MATLAB's DLLs around and as a result it appears the MAPLEMEX file cannot be loaded by MATLAB.
Contact the vendor of the Maple Toolbox for MATLAB, for information on how to install Maple toolbox without affecting the MATLAB installation. You can aslo see the following solution provided by Maplesoft: