MATLAB: Do MATLAB worker processes run only on CPU cores and not on GPU cores

cpu coresgpu coresparallel computing

Hello everyone. This is a very fundamental question. I would appreciate if someone can confirm my understanding about it. Suppose my desktop has 4-core CPU and 1000-core GPU. Then if I use parallel computation in MATLAB, the maximum number of MATLAB worker processes I can have is 4 and not 4+1000. I shall be thankful if someone can confirm this.

Best Answer

Hi Prateek,
first of all, the number of workers is not limited to the number of cores, so on a 4-core (let the GPU aside for a moment) you can start 8 workers, it just doesn't make sense (usually), since the workers struggle with each other for resources, so most often #(workers)=#(cores) is a good choice.
Now coming to your question: you are right, the 1000 core of the GPU's don't count here. You can use the GPU for computations using gpuArray, but not for workers as you described it. So yes, the maximum (reasonable) number of workers is 4.