MATLAB: Do MATLAB and Simulink hang or generate a bus error when I try to close the S-Function Builder block window in R13 on the Mac OSX


I am using Simulink 5.0 (R13) on a Mac OSX. I start off by creating a new Simulink model with the S-Function Builder block in it. Then I open the dialog box of the S-Function Builder and type in an S-Function name. If I then decide to hit the 'Cancel' button, MATLAB either exits, freezes, or I get the following bus error:
MATLAB Version: (R13)
Operating System: Darwin 5.4 Darwin Kernel Version 5.4: Wed Apr 10 09:27:47 PDT 2002;
Window System: The XFree86 Project, Inc (40200000), display :0.0
Current Visual: 0x22 (class 4, depth 24)
Virtual Machine: Java 1.3.1 with Apple Computer, Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode)
r0 = 00bb9644 r8 = 004812dc r16 = bfff32a0 r24 = 00000000
r1 = bfff2f90 r9 = 0d866898 r17 = fd0026d8 r25 = 00000000
r2 = 0047ce90 r10 = 0003116b r18 = bfff32e4 r26 = 00000000
r3 = 00000000 r11 = 00c25da8 r19 = bfff3288 r27 = bfff30a8
r4 = 007d88b0 r12 = 00bd888c r20 = fd002968 r28 = 0bb668c0
r5 = 0bb668c0 r13 = 023018e0 r21 = fd002700 r29 = 0bb668c0
r6 = bfff30a8 r14 = 0231d2d0 r22 = fd002700 r30 = 007d88b0
r7 = 0047b37c r15 = 017a25e8 r23 = 3e1014a8 r31 = 00bdba84
pc = 00bdbab4 sp = 00043f04 psw = 0000d030 cr = 44022280
lr = 00bdbab4 xer = 00000014 ctr = 00bd888c mq = 00000000
vrsave = 0000000a
Stack Trace:
[0] libmwudd.dylib:UDInterface::getE(UDDatabaseClient *, UDPropInfo *, UDErrorStatus *)(0, 0x007d88b0, 0x0bb668c0, 0xbfff30a8) + 68 bytes

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a bug in Simulink 5.0 (R13) that has been reported to our development staff to be fixed in a future release.
As a workaround, click on the 'OK' button in the S-Function Builder dialog box, then proceed with your block diagram modelling.