MATLAB: Do I see an error “Daemon is not running”, even if the daemon is running on the server in PolySPace Client for C/C++

daemonfirewallpolyspacePolyspace Client for AdaPolyspace Client for C/C++Polyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover ServerPolyspace Server for Ada

When opening the spooler or launching a verification from the client, the user can get the following error message :
Daemon is not running on the server <servername>.
When checking the daemon on the server, it is up and running. Moreover, the client can ping the server.

Best Answer

The error message is given when the server responds to a ping command, but when the connection to the daemon is not possible. This is the case when a firewall on the server is blocking the communication.
Follow the instructions below for adding a port that is not blocked by firewall:
Under Redhat Linux, you can access the firewall settings by launching 'setup' (you must be root). Then go to 'Firewall configuration', then 'Customize' and to the field 'Other ports'. Add the port specified for the client / server communication here.
Under Windows, you can access the Windows firewall settings by opening the Control Center. Then open 'Security Center', and Windows Firewall. Go to the 'Exceptions' tab, then choose 'Add port'.