MATLAB: Do I receive unexpected results after introducing sudden changes in the incline angle (beta) to the Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics block in SimDriveline 1.1.1 (R14SP3)

betadynamicsinclinelongitudinalsimdrivelineSimscape Drivelinevehicle

I am using the Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics block in SimDriveline 1.1.1 (R14SP3) to model a vehicle going over terrain with sudden shifts in terrain incline angle (beta). The resulting model behavior does not appear to reflect these sudden shifts.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2006b (R2006b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics block makes the assumption that the feature length of the terrain is long compared to the wheelbase of the car. In essence, the block simulates the slope by rotating the gravity vector as a function of vehicle position. Therefore, this feature is useful for simulating hill starts and rolling terrain, but not for cases where a step change of gradient is needed. In these cases, it is best to build up a more complex vehicle block that is customized for your simulation.
In general, the vehicle and tire blocks in SimDriveline are basic blocks and are not intended for all possible vehicle and tire models. They are supposed to be a reasonable starting point that is suitable for many applications and can be used as a starting point for enhancement when building more advanced applications.