MATLAB: Do I receive the type cast warning for the seed parameter of the Band-Limited White Noise block in Simulink


I am using a Band-Limited White Noise source block from the Simulink->Sources library in my model, for which I am using the "clock" variable to generate a random number for the seed parameter. When I update my diagram I get the following warning:
Warning: Parameter Seed of 'untitled1/Band-Limited White Noise/White Noise' is being cast from data type 'double' to the data type 'uint32'. Downcasts and signed/unsigned mismatches of tunable parameter expressions are not recommended in order to ensure consistent behavior between Simulink and the Real-Time Workshop.

Best Answer

The Band-Limited White Noise block expects a double type for the seed, that can convert to a uint32 unambigiously. To prevent this warning, use the FLOOR function around the function currently used to generate the seed parameter.