MATLAB: Do I receive the message “No matching files were found” in HDL Workflow Advisor Step 4.2 “Build FPGA Bitstream”

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Using HDL Workflow Advisor to generate an IP Core for my target, why do I receive the message
Failed No matching files were found
in Step 4.2 "Build FPGA Bitstream"?

Best Answer

This is a generic error message. Most likely, something went wrong during the build in the synthesis tool (e.g. Xilinx Vivado, Intel Quartus). For example, there might be a licensing error with the synthesis tool, or a critical error occurred during the synthesis or implementation.
To find out more about the underlying issue, check the Vivado/Quartus build logs for errors.
The build logs can be accessed by one of the following methods:
1) Open the project files in the respective synthesis tool IDE and check for error messages. For Vivado, the project files can be found at:
2) In case you did not select "Run build process externally", the build log can be found at: