MATLAB: Do I receive the “Invalid setting in ‘parrot_ge​ttingstart​ed/Sensors​’ ” error while building the “parrot_gettingstarted” example model

Embedded Coderminidronesparrotparrot minidronessimulinkTarget Support Package

Why do I receive the "Invalid setting in 'parrot_gettingstarted/Sensors' " error while building the "parrot_gettingstarted" example model, which is set for PARROT Rolling Spider?

Best Answer

The example model loads a few variables into the MATLAB workspace, using Model Properties callback function. The above error may occur when the workspace variables, which are required for the model, are deleted by mistake.
You can type the following command in MATLAB Command Prompt, which will load the required variables in the workspace.
>> load('BusDefinitions.mat')