MATLAB: Do I receive the following error when I try to import a Level 1 DTED file

1dtedimportlevelmappingMapping Toolbox

??? Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Error in ==> D:\Applications\MATLABR13\toolbox\map\mapdisp\dted.m (dmsstr2deg)
On line 614 ==> if strcmp(str(end),'S') | strcmp(str(end),'W');
Error in ==> D:\Applications\MATLABR13\toolbox\map\mapdisp\dted.m (dtedf)
On line 509 ==> lato = dmsstr2deg(DSI.Latitudeoforigin);
Error in ==> D:\Applications\MATLABR13\toolbox\map\mapdisp\dted.m
On line 66 ==> [map,maplegend,UHL,DSI,ACC] = dtedf(varargin{:});
Error in ==> e:\1000715\test.m
On line 2 ==> [map,maplegend]=dted('N45.dt1');

Best Answer

The most likely reason for this error is that the DTED file is corrupt, or does not meet the specifications for the DTED file format, as described in this file:
Check with the provider of the file to confirm that it meets these specifications.