MATLAB: Do I receive the error “MCC: Invalid BitNum specified” or “MCC: Invalid digital port number” when setting a digital I/O on the Measurement Computing PMD-1024LS, PMD-1024HLS, or MiniLab 1008 with the Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.5 (R14)

1008bitnumcomputingData Acquisition Toolboxdigitaldioi/oinvalidmccmeasurementminilabpmd-1024hlspmd-1024lsputvalue

I am using a Measurement Computing DAQ board and I receive an error when I evaluate the following code:
dio=digitalio('mcc',2); % assuming your device is ID 2
addline(dio,0:23,'Out'); % Make all lines output
This generates one of the following errors:
??? Error using ==> digitalio.putvalue
MCC: Invalid digital port number
??? Error using ==> digitalio.putvalue
MCC: Invalid BitNum Specified
I receive this error with the PMD-1024LS, PMD-1024HLS, or MiniLab 1008 devices. For the PMD devices, I receive the error whenever I try to PUTVALUE to the third or fourth ports. With the MiniLab 1008 I receive the error whenever I PUTVALUE to the first or second ports.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 SP1 (R14SP1). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This problem has been fixed in Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.5.1 (R14SP1). If you are using a previous version, read the following:
This has been verified as a bug in the Data Acquisistion Toolbox 2.5 (R14) in the way that it interacts with digital I/O ports on the Measurement Computing PMD-1024LS, PMD-1024HLS, or MiniLab 1008 devices.
Currently, the only workaround is to avoid using these ports.