MATLAB: Do I receive errors when using the PCI-DAS-TC Thermocouple board with xPC Target 2.01 (R13)

pingrebootSimulink Real-Timesockettargetthermocouplexpcxpcdltimeout

Why do I get receive when using the PCI-DAS-TC Thermocouple board with xPC Target 2.01 (R13)?
I get the error message:
Error executing build command:
Error using ==> make_rtw
Could not connect to Ping socket.
when I try to build and download a model with the PCI-DAS-TC board.
In addition, each time I make a change in my model, I have to restart MATLAB and reboot the target computer to get the build to go through.

Best Answer

This is not a bug in xPC Target 2.01 (R13). The error is due to the slow initialization of the PCI-DAS-TC board. The following error:
"cannot connect to ping socket"
means that the host timed out while waiting for the driver to complete initialization.
For this board, this error is not fatal, but the host has to be reset to get communication back up. To do this, you will need execute the following command:
at the MATLAB prompt after the download times out.
If there really is an error in a driver that causes xPC to crash, then a timeout will also occur, but
will fail with an error message. In that case, it is necessary to reboot the target. After a timeout and a target reboot, it is necessary to use
to get communication started again. Exiting MATLAB and restarting it will also restart communication, but is rarely needed.
Alternatively, you may reset the timeout with the command:
xpcgate('settimeout', 20);
before building the model.
Finally, it is worth noting that the default timeout is indeed too short for this board and a simple model with the PCI-DAS-TC feeding a target scope times out on download; executing
recovers communication, and then
starts the model just fine.