MATLAB: Do I receive errors when I try to execute MCRInstaller through a different installer such as InstallShield

includeinstallinstallshieldMATLAB Compilermcrmcrinstallerpackagepartythird

I have packaged the MCRInstaller with some other files and created an installer through a third-party tool such as InstallShield. However, when MCRInstaller starts execution, I see error messages such as the following:
Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one.

Best Answer

This feature has been added in MATLAB Compiler 4.6 (R2007a). Starting with this release a merge module is available for including the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) install application into your own install application. Please see the related solution below for details on how to obtain and use this merge module. If you are using a previous version, read the following:
The ability to launch the MCRInstaller from another install application is not available in MATLAB Compiler. This is a limitation of the Microsoft MSI installer application. When an MSI-base installer, such as InstallShield, is launched it locks the installation database and no other MSI-based installer application will be able to execute.
To work around this issue you can either run the MCRInstaller after the other install package completes or by having your install application perform all the required installation steps for the MCR as described in the related solution below.