MATLAB: Do I receive errors when I run the dspafsx_win32 demo from DSP Blockset 5.0 (R13)


When I run the Stereo expansion demo, dspafsx_win32, I get the following error:
error reported by s-function sdspwao2. Unsupported format.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been made for Release 14 (R14). For previous product releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
You may receive this error if you are using a 16 bit sound card. For this demo, the "Enable 24-bit output for double and single precision input signals" is checked by default. Checking this option specifies that the samples for the input signal to the block be conveyed using 24 bits. However, a 24 bit input signal is not compatible with a 16 bit sound card. Unchecking the box for this option ensures that 16 bit samples are used.