MATLAB: Do I receive error messages while using the Requirements Management Interface within the Signal Builder block in Simulink Verification and Validation 1.0 (R14)


I am using Verification Manager in Signal Builder Block in Simulink 6.0 (R14). I also have several groups of signals in the Signal Builder Block and I am trying to add an requirement to the group of signal using the Requirements Management Interface. When I hit the OK button I am getting the following errors in the MATLAB command window:
??? Error using ==> rmi>validateIndices
Bad indices
Error in ==> rmi>deleteReqsPrim at 563
validateIndices(reqs, indices);
Error in ==> rmi>setReqs at 464
allReqs = deleteReqsPrim(allReqs, reqFilter);
Error in ==> rmi at 113
setReqs(obj, reqs, index, count);
Error in ==> reqmgt\private\RMIQuickNav>doApply at 960
rmi('set', userData.objH(1), userData.reqs, userData.baseIndex,
Error in ==> reqmgt\private\RMIQuickNav>doOk at 1002
doApply(userData.applyButton, evd)
?? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
We have verified that there is a bug in Simulink Verification and Validation 1.0 (R14) in the Requirements Management Interface. To work around this issue:
1. Determine the overall requirement count by right-clicking on the Signal
Builder block inside the Simulink diagram.
2. Look under the mask of the Signal Builder block and select the From-workspace block inside.
3. Type in the command prompt:
sbdata = get_param(gcb,'VnvData')
4. Look at the field value sbdata.groupReqCnt. This should be a vector with the length equal to the number of signal groups. The sum of the elements
should be the same as the total number of requirements.
5. Set the value to the correct distribution:
sbdata.groupReqCnt = []
For example, if you have 13 requirements in the first signal group and 3 requirements in the second signal group, set:
sbdata.groupReqCnt = [13 3]
6. Apply the correct data structure to the model
7. Save the model and verify that the fix works.