MATLAB: Do I receive an Unrecognized parameter error when using either the Statistics Toolbox, the Curve Fitting Toolbox, or Simulink Control Design

licensemanagernameNetworkOptimization Toolboxoptimsetparameterunrecognized

Why do I receive an error message similar to "Error using ==> optimset, Unrecognized parameter name 'LargeScale' " when using either the Statistics Toolbox, the Curve Fitting Toolbox, or Simulink Control Design?

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This has been verified as a bug within the network license manager.
Currently, to work around this issue, you will only need to perform the following steps once:
For PC standalone installations:
1) Install the products for which you are licensed if you have not already done so.
2) Close all instances of MATLAB that are currently open.
3) If you have a demo.lic file in your $MATLAB/bin/win32 directory, where $MATLAB is your root MATLAB directory, make a backup copy of this file, and call it demo.lic.bak. Then, copy the following command to the end of the original demo.lic file.
INCREMENT Optimization_Toolbox MLM 14 01-aug-2004 0 \
Copy the line exactly as it appears in this document. Do not add or remove any characters or spaces.
4) If you do not have a demo.lic file in your $MATLAB/bin/win32 directory, create a file named demo.lic in that directory containing the following:
# MathWorks license passcode file for use with FLEXlm.
# LicenseNo: DEMO
INCREMENT Optimization_Toolbox MLM 14 01-aug-2004 0 \
Again, copy the line exactly as it appears in this document, do not add or remove any characters or spaces.
5) Start MATLAB as normal.
For UNIX/Linux/Mac and PC network installations:
1) Install the products for which you are licensed if you have not already done so.
2) Close all instances of MATLAB that are currently open.
3) Make a backup copy of your $MATLAB/etc/license.dat file (for PC network installations, this is the $MATLAB/flexlm/license.dat file), where $MATLAB is your root MATLAB directory, and call it license.dat.bak. Add the following line to the end of your original license.dat file:
INCREMENT Optimization_Toolbox MLM 14 01-aug-2004 0 \
1CB7C3447D3FED77F980 HOSTID=DEMO SN=unknown
Copy the line exactly as it appears in this document. Do not add or remove any characters or spaces.
4) Start MATLAB as normal.
For further assistance, consult the section of the installation guide for your platform that describes the license file or contact our install support team at