MATLAB: Do I receive an initialization error when creating custom SimScape 3.8 (R2012b) components


I have created a custom library with pneumatic blocks using Simscape Language in Simscape 3.8 (R2012b).
I am able to create the library successfully with the desired thermal-fluid blocks. However, when I try to
simulate the model with these blocks, I receive the following error message.
Nonlinear solver: Linear Algebra error. Failed to solve using iteration matrix. Initial conditions solve failed to
converge. Equations of one or more components may be dependent or inconsistent. This can cause
problems in transient initialization. Here is the set of components involved: ...

Best Answer

While this error could be caused by a number of issues, with respect to thermal and fluid domains in particular, you may want to introduce small leakages into the system to prevent zero-flow conditions. These zero-flow conditions, depending on how you model the domain, can cause singularities as seen in this error.