MATLAB: Do I receive an error while running an example titled ‘Wireless Network Hardware Implementation with SDR’ submitted by MathWorks Communications Toolbox Team in File Exchange

concatenatedimensionHDL Codermoder2017br2018avector

I was trying out an example submitted by MathWorks Communications Toolbox Team in File Exchange, titled 'Wireless Network Hardware Implementation with SDR'. At step 3.2 – Generate RTL Code and IP Core, I am receiving an error as mentioned below:
Error: Evaluation of elaborate function on class hdldefaults.Concatenate failed with the error message: MATLAB:assertion:failed: Assertion Failed.
Additionally, another warning that pops up while HDL Workflow Advisor is running, in step 2.3 – Check block Compatibility.
Warning: Distributed pipelining will not distribute registers across this block because of treating it as a block box.
Message: The initial condition is not used when the model is in single-tasking mode. Multi-tasking mode is not supported for HDL.
I also tried changing the TLC file to 'ert.tlc' (from 'grt.tlc') and the issue persists.
I am using MATLAB R2018a on a Windows 10 machine.

Best Answer

The model works fine in in R2017b, but not in R2018a and R2018b. The issue arises because the default value of 'ConcatenateDimension' of the Concatenate blocks in 'Vector' mode is no longer set to a value of '1'. This is a bug in HDL coder and shall be fixed in one of the future releases.
As a workaround, please navigate to the subsystem Transceiver_N1_N2_fpt_HDL1/Radio Node1/TxRx_N1 and apply the following procedure on these three blocks - DFE Position Concatenate1, DFE Position Concatenate2 and DFE Position Concatenate5.
  1. Double click on block
  2. Change mode to multidimensional array
  3. Change Concatenate dimension to 1
  4. Set Mode back to Vector