MATLAB: Do I receive an error when using the Breaker block with the SimPowerSystems model in Simulink 6.2 (R14SP2)

breakerindicessimpowersystemsSimscape Electricalsubscriptupdateupgrade

I created a model using the Breaker block in SimPowerSystems 4.0 (R14SP1). When I load this model into R14SP2, I received the following message in the Simulink error dialog:
Subscript Indices must be either real positive integers or logicals.

Best Answer

We have verified that there is a bug in SimPowerSystems 4.0.1 (R14SP2) in the way Breaker blocks from earlier versions are handled if the link to the SimPowerSystems library has been disabled. There are two approaches to working around this issue:
1. Right-click on the blocks in question and select Link Options->Restore Link.
2. Use the PSBUPDATE command from the command prompt to restore all disabled library links for SimPowerSystems blocks. An example of the syntax is:
psbupdate my_model
In the above example, "my_model" is the name of your Simulink model.