MATLAB: Do I receive an error when trying to set the grid spacing in the PDETOOL within the Partial Differential Equation Toolbox 1.0.5 (R14)

gridPartial Differential Equation Toolboxpdetoolspacing

When I try to change the grid spacing within the PDETOOL using the following steps:
1. Type
in the command window.
2. Select "Options -> Grid Spacing…".
3. Deselect "Auto", and change the data in the field to be, for example, "1:10".
4. Click "Apply".
I receive a dialogue window saying
Cannot evaluate edit field input.

Best Answer

This problem has been fixed in the Partial Differential Equation Toolbox 1.0.6 (R14SP1). If you are using the Partial Differential Equation Toolbox 1.0.5 (R14), to work around this issue, perform the following steps:
1. Type "edit pdespdlg" in the command window.
2. In pdespdlg.m, change line 29 from:
s = eval(m(i, :));
3. Click the "Save" button.
4. Rehash your toolbox path cache using REHASH TOOLBOXCACHE to cause MATLAB to recognize the change.