MATLAB: Do I receive an error when raising a symbolic matrix to the zeroth power in the Symbolic Math Toolbox

identitymatrixpowersingularsymsym.invsymbolicSymbolic Math Toolboxzerozeroth

When I execute the following commands:
A = ones(3, 3);
I obtain the expected result:
ans =
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
However, when I convert "A" to a symbolic matrix, then raise it to the zeroth power:
A = sym(A);
I receive the following error:
??? Error using ==> sym.inv
Error, (in inverse) singular matrix

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
We have verified that there is a bug in the Symbolic Math Toolbox in the way that an error is generated when raising a symbolic matrix to the zeroth power.
To work around this issue, you can use an IF-ELSE statement to recognize this case, and use the EYE function to create the necessary identity matrix. For example, if your code is raising a symbolic matrix to the "n"th power, where "n" is an arbitrary real number, use the following construct:
if n~=0
B = A^n;
B = sym(eye(size(A)));