MATLAB: Do I receive an error when I use MultiCore support for xPC Target 4.2 (R2009b)

cpcicrashmulti-coreSimulink Real-Time

I am using a Concurrent Technologies Core 2 Duo cPCI 3U Processor target. My model runs fine on my target when the 'MultiCore CPU support' option is disabled. However, when I run my model with that option enabled, I receive the following error:
RTTarget-32 CPU Exception: 000E Error Code:0005
EAX=0009E071 EBX=00000000 ECX=00000071 EDX=0012C971eap
ESP=0006EEE8 EBP=0006EF80 ESI=00000F8F EDI=0006EF7C EFlags=00013206
DS=0023 ES=0023 FS=004B GS=0000 SS=0023
CS:EIP=001B:0013071B CR2=0009E071
Code: 8B 08 83 C4 0C 81 F9 50 43 4D 50 74 18 56 50 E8 A1

Best Answer

This change has been incorporated into the documentation in Release 2010a (R2010a). For previous releases, read below for any additional information:
We have found that the MultiCore option only works on certain target machines. The reason is that the BIOS on some machines contain false information about the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controllers( APIC), which causes the xPC Target kernel to crash.
More information regarding this BIOS issue may be found under the ‘Hardware Bugs’ section of the following reference:
A platform-independent standard called Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) has been developed to remove the dependence on legacy BIOS for newer machines. After power up, the ACPI firmware queries information from all the PCI devices in the system. In most of the modern desktop computers, the PCI devices follow the ACPI standard, and are able to provide correct information. However, this is not the case for all targets. Many target machines still use very old PCI devices (especially Ethernet cards and I/O boards), which are not compatible to the ACPI. In these systems, the ACPI can not detect all the PCI devices.
For the Concurrent Technologies Core 2 Duo cPCI 3U Processor target, one workaround may be to remove the the cPCI Hard Disk card, ESD-Electronics cPCI-HD and restart the target PC with MultiCore support enabled. This card loads in some extra info on startup into the BIOS to enable the hard drive which may result in the xPC Target kernel crashing.
In general, for multiple core targets, which experience a crash when using the xPC Target MultiCore support, revert to using the single core mode.