MATLAB: Do I receive an error when I use an app packaged with MATLAB 8.2 (R2013b) in MATLAB 8.0 (R2012b)


I have created an app called 'testApp' in MATLAB R2013b. As the apps get installed in the folder "C:\Users\username\Documents\MATLAB\Apps" all the other versions of MATLAB since R2012b have access to the app. However, when I try to run in MATLAB R2012b the app I created in MATLAB R2013b I receive the following error:
Error using evalin
Undefined function or variable 'testApp'.
Error in appinstall.internal.runapp>execute (line 29)
out = evalin('caller', [script ';']);
Error in appinstall.internal.runapp (line 8)
appobj = execute(runcommand);

Best Answer

This error message occurs due the fact that the function EVALIN has changed behaviour in MATLAB R2013b due to a structural change. In order to avoid this error message, re-install the app using MATLAB R2012b. The "appinstall" file can be found in the app's install directory. Simply re-install and the app should work as expected.