MATLAB: Do I receive an error when I set the initial condition of the DELAY block to complex value in Simulink 7.1 (R2008a)


When I feed a real signal into a DELAY block from the Signal Processing Blockset with initial condition set to a complex value, the following error occurs during model update:
Error reported by S-function 'sdspdelay' in 'twodelays_repel_complex_ics/Delay0':
Cannot have complex ICs when output port is real-valued.
The error also occurs for Integer Delay block from the Simulink Blockset Library.
I expect seamless acceptance of real/complex mixture just as has always been the case with MATLAB. I should be free to launch a complex initial value followed by a stream of real values.

Best Answer

The ability to accept complex initial condition and real input signal for the DELAY and INTEGER DELAY blocks is not available in Simulink 7.1 (R2008a).
As a workaround, convert the input signal to a complex signal before feeding it into the delay block.