MATLAB: Do I receive an error when I run the SETUPMODELSIM command to link a ModelSim installation with Simulink on Linux

EDA Simulator Link MQerrorforinstalllinklinuxmodelsimsupport

The following question appeared at the prompt when I executed the SETUPMODELSIM command to link a ModelSim installation with Simulink on Linux:
Do you want setupmodelsim to locate installed ModelSim executables [y]/n?
I received the following error when I pressed 'y'
??? Error using ==> setupmodelsim
This platform is not supported by Link for ModelSim

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 SP1 (R14SP1). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This has been verified as a bug in Link for ModelSim 1.1.1 (R14) in the way that it handles the SETUPMODELSIM command.
Currently, to work around this issue, try the following:
1. Press 'n' when prompted by the following question:
Do you want setupmodelsim to locate installed ModelSim executables [y]/n?
2. Enter the path to the ModelSim executable (e.g. /Applications/Modelsim58seinstaller/modeltech/linux/ ) when prompted by the following question:
Please enter the path to your ModelSim executable file (modelsim.exe or vsim.exe):
3. Press 'y' when prompted by the following question:
Previous MATLAB startup file found in this installation of ModelSim:
Do you want to replace this file [y]/n?