MATLAB: Do I receive an error when I am attempting to use the WebFigures example using Builder JA 2.0.3 (R2009a)

apacheMATLAB Compiler SDKtomcatwebfiguresquickstart

I am attempting to use the WebFigures feature provided by MATLAB Builder JA 2.0.3 (R2009a). I am working with the WebFigureQuickStart example provided in the documentation. However, when I attempt to create the default WebFigure, I receive the following error message:
HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report message
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The absolute uri: <> cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application
Why do I receive this error?

Best Answer

A Tag Library Descriptor (TLD) file is required for using custom JSP tags. The 'webfigures.tld' file is included within 'javabuilder.jar'. If there are more than one "javabuilder.jar" files, possibly of different versions, on the web server, the intended 'webfigures.tld' file will not be resolved correctly and thus the above error message will be generated.
To resolve the issue, check that there is only one copy of "javabuilder.jar" in the web server's common library directory. If you are using an Apache Tomcat Web Server version 6.0, place the "javabuilder.jar" file in the "lib" folder in the Tomcat installation directory.
For example, if the home directory of Tomcat server is declared as CATALINA_HOME environment variable then the javabuilder.jar should be placed in CATALINA_HOME/common/lib directory."