MATLAB: Do I receive an error or an incorrect plot when using DIMERCOUNT in Bioinformatics Toolbox 1.1 (R14)

Bioinformatics Toolboxcodoncountdimercountdnadyadgeneticrnasequencessequencing

I am using the DIMERCOUNT function to count dimers in a sequence that includes gaps and/or ambiguous bases. I receive an error when working with a sequence including gaps (represented with a hyphen), and an incorrect plot while working with sequences including ambiguous bases. For example, when I type the following sequence:
I expect a warning about gaps and/or ambiguous bases, as described in the documentation, and then a list of dimers, including an "Others" field. For the sequence given above, I would expect the following output:
Warning: Ambiguous symbols '-' appear in the sequence. These will be in Others.
In dimercount at 132
ans =
AA: 1
AC: 0
AG: 3
AT: 0
CA: 1
CC: 1
CG: 1
CT: 1
GA: 1
GC: 3
GG: 1
GT: 0
TA: 1
TC: 0
TG: 2
TT: 1
Others: 2
Instead, the DIMERCOUNT function produces an error of the following form:
??? Attempted to access buckets(16,16); index out of bounds because size(buckets)=[15,15].
Error in ==> dimercount at 100
buckets(dna(count),dna(count+1)) = buckets(dna(count),dna(count+1)) + 1;
Error in ==> basecount_dimercount_error at 35
If I use a different symbol to represent the gaps, or work with a sequence including ambiguous bases, I do not receive this error. If I use the 'Chart' option with a sequence containing ambiguous bases, however, the "Others" field is missing from the resulting plot.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This problem has been fixed in Bioinformatics Toolbox 2.1 (R14SP2+). For previous versions, read the following:
There is a bug in Bioinformatics Toolbox 1.1 (R14) when using DIMERCOUNT with sequences containing gaps and/or ambiguous bases.
To work around the error produced when working with sequences with gaps, substitute a different character for the hyphen, such as the letter X (which normally does not represent a base) or a space.
There are no known workarounds for the issue with plots.